5 Tips to Write a Scientific Article When You Lack Motivation

5 Tips to Write a Scientific Article

Writing a scientific article usually requires high focus and extensive research. It is required that you put all your focus on delivering a top-notch research paper. When you feel unmotivated, it is not the time to write scientific articles. Lack of motivation can be caused by many factors. Maybe something like remembering some incoming test in college is making you angry and stressed. Get rid of anything that can change your mood and make you procrastinate assigned duties! You have to fight this feeling and not let it affect your mood which makes you unmotivated. If you want to know about main factors affecting reproducibility in research, click here.

How can you find alternatives to whatever you have to do when you are not motivated enough to do them? Whenever you have something as important as writing a scientific paper, this question may arise in your mind. If you have to write a scientific article and read about it and review your scientific study literature, you should first work on motivating yourself. In this DoNotEdit article, we will explain 5 tips for writing a scientific article when you lack motivation.

How to Write a Scientific Article When You Lack Motivation?

1.   Take a Nap to Shut Down Your Body System

When you are tired and it seems like every part of your body system is shutting down, it will be impossible to memorize anything if you are reading in preparation for writing an article. If you’re studying for an essay, take a nap when you’re tired and get some rest. When you are tired, you may read the lines over and over but not understand the meaning of the sentences. Lack of sleep will negatively affect your attempt to learn new things.

A short nap wouldn’t do any harm at this time. This break will help your brain to reset. When you wake up, you will be able to process things around you faster. The human mind is just like the case of a computer system that needs to be restarted when all attempts to use that system have failed hopelessly.

2.   Get Help from an Expert in Your Scientific Field

Although it is good to take a nap, you may be extremely tired and need more hours to rest. What will you do if you don’t have enough time? Imagine that someone has given you the assignment to write some articles with a tight deadline. You have to write your scientific article in a very short period. If you have already agreed to deliver the assignment, it would be a breach of promise if you decline it or don’t meet the deadline. It can also affect your working relationship in the long run. Even when you are motivated to take a job, you may not even be offered the job because of the late submission of the article.

In such a situation, you can ask for help from someone who is an expert in the field of your academic paper. Suppose you are planning to write an article in the field of clinical medicine, you can get help from a medical device regulatory consultant that will provide you with the necessary information and guidance. Any article in the medical field can be handled by these experts with nods of approval from those who gave you the assignment.

You should look for ways to get all the information you need. Maybe all you need is a revision of the things you already know. In such cases, you should check what resources you can use; for example, guides by Osmosis can be very useful in reminding you why you love medicine and how you can use writing to help others.

3.   Watch Some Inspiring Movie

When you watch a movie for say 90 minutes or more, it can lift the moody nature off you considerably. You have to make the right choice and the choice of the movie depends on your taste because each person’s personal taste can be different from another person’s. If you can watch a movie that can lift your mood and increase your motivation, download it and watch it immediately. Watching movies is a good trick to get you motivated. It is possible to lose that motivation after the movie if you delay starting your article immediately. So, once you watched the movie, hit your article immediately when your spirits are still high and leave no room for disturbance of any sort. The lack of motivation usually disappears after the article is finished. I wish science could explain it to us!

4.   Participate in Some Fun Activities

A good way to get motivated is to hang out quickly with some friends doing your favorite activities. You can go to a soccer game with your friends or go on a group bike ride. Make sure that this fun activity does not make you too tired and weak. You can come up with an excuse to get back to writing your scientific article after you get the motivation you need. Just let them know that you have an urgent task that needs to be delivered soon and that you are very sorry to leave the party.

5.   Take Your Work Tools to an Offbeat Place

This tip may seem trivial to you but rest assured that it works like magic. Have you ever seen people reading near a tennis court during a tennis tournament or at a swimming pool center? This is the kind of inspiration I want to talk to you about. You can pick up your laptop and go to a place where the fun going on can boost your mood and lift your lack of motivation. Sometimes, you can look up from your laptop and watch the activities in progress for more inspiration. Make sure you don’t get overwhelmed by the activity.


If you hope to write a very good scientific article, you must combat your lack of motivation through the 5 tips mentioned in this article. These tips are highly helpful for getting motivated to write a scientific article. Lack of motivation can happen to anyone, and if it has happened to you, you shouldn’t blame yourself. You just have to find multiple ways to deal with it so you can do your other important things. Let us know in the comments section below how these tips helped you overcome your lack of motivation in writing a scientific article!

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