Abstract and conclusion of a scientific article

Abstract is written for potential readers who are interested in articles in a way, which makes them decide whether to read the full article or not. Therefore, abstract should provide the readers with a general perception of the article and its content.

Abstract and conclusion of a scientific articleThe conclusion section is written for the readers who has already read the article. In fact, conclusion should include something beyond the abstract and the body of the article. A good conclusion includes the recommendation of new areas of research by the proposed ideas in the article.

Some tips to write a good abstract

  • Use specialized terms in abstract as few as possible. This makes the abstract comprehensible and increases its readability.
  • Move from general to specific, meaning that you should present the main area of research and gradually expand it into details.

Keep the main aim of the research in your mind. If you could not develop the abstract and conclusion precisely, the reviewers may reject your articles or others may not cite you work as much as it deserves

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