Data Measurement Scale

There are four types of scales to measure the data. Each qualitative or quantitative variable will be measured with one of the following scales:

  1. Nominal scale

This scale involves the nomination of categories with names. In this scale, none of the categories have any superiority over the others. These scales are usually used to measure qualitative variables.

2. Ordinal Scale

Individuals are placed in groups that are different in terms of the variable under question, but this difference (or superiority) is not measurable; e.g., the level of education

  1. Interval Scale

This scale facilitates the estimation of categories in equal and constant distances. Zero on this scale does not mean that it is not neutral like temperature.

4. Ratio Scale

Like interval scales, in this scale, there are real intervals between the groups. The intervals are equal; however, the difference is that in this scale, zero means the actual absence of the desired property. e.g., hemoglobin concentration

Note: The unit of a variable is actually the unit of measurement of that variable. For example, the height variable with a ratio scale can expressed in meters or centimeters depending on the design.

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