Selection criteria for indexing in EBSCO

EBSCO database, established by Stephen B. Alton in the United States in 1944, is currently serving as one of the largest publishers and collectors of various types of resources and information, including full-text journals, newspapers, and other information sources.

 Selection criteria for indexing in EBSCO

Adopting a customer-centric approach, this database serves the world’s library industry.

EBSCO is one of the pioneers in providing research databases, electronic journals, journal subscriptions, e-books, and services for a variety of libraries that have purchased its access.

Criteria for indexing in EBSCO

EBSCO contains 17 scientific committees seeking to index the journals with the highest impact factors among researchers. To find better and more efficient journals, these committees pay close attention to the following points:

  1. Quality of the scientific content of the journals
  2. Absence of a journal on suspicious websites
  3. Practical scientific impact by referring to statistical reports
  4. Fulfillment of the principles of publication ethics and authors’ consent

Before submitting the journal to EBSCO, it should be carefully screened for meeting the required criteria since in case of rejection, it cannot be re-submitted for 5 years.

EBSCO uses data from some sources out of EBSCO (e.g. ISI impact factor, reports from APA PsycInfoMEDLINEERICEconLitInspecCINAHL, etc) and inside EBSCO (advisory board and website subscriptions) to evaluate which content makes sense to be indexed in. This is besides the basic standards that each journal should contain including: All academic indexes require journals to follow certain core publishing standards.

To meet basic indexing requirements journals should have: An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), both print and digital; digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for all papers, regular publishing schedule,  clear and appropriate copyright policies and providing basic article-level metadata.

The journal editors also should read and prepare the items listed in this document, when they find their journal eligible for indexing.

It is very important to know that rejection from EBSCO and much other indexing have a withdrawal time that sometimes reaches years. So, it is very crucial to be ensured prior to applying for indexing.

Do you want your journal eligibility for EBSCO indexing to be considered by our experts? Simply click on the below button and fill in the form. You can request a free evaluation.

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